

  • 胃腸道健康
  • 草本補充劑
  • 由執業針灸師、東方醫學博士 Michael Tierra 配製

三果實是高效但溫和的三種水果草本複方,特別支持 GI(消化道)健康。得到了極新科學和傳統用法的支持。三果實清潔、滋補、活化整個胃腸道組織,説明腸胃和規律排便,讓你感覺更好。在東方,三果實作為胃腸道健康的基礎草本配方,已有一千多年歷史。


每次 2 至 4 粒膠囊,每日兩次,隨餐服用。

網路價:323元,結帳享5%折扣後 307


  • GI Tract Wellness
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Formulated by Michael Tierra L.Ac, O.M.D
  • Non GMO Validated

Triphala is a potent yet gentle three-fruit herbal complex that uniquely supports GI (gastrointestinal) tract wellness. Supported by emerging science and traditional use, Triphala cleanses, tonifies, and revitalizes the tissues of the entire GI tract, setting the stage for better digestion and regular elimination to help you feel better. Triphala has been the cornerstone herbal formula for GI wellness in the East for more than 1,000 years.



網路價:344元,結帳享5%折扣後 327
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ptf/ptf10473/u/24.jpg">


  • 阿育吠陀傳統淨化成分
  • 草本補充劑
  • 由 Michael Tierra(執業針灸師、東方醫級博士)配制而成。
  • 經 Non-GMO 驗證

Planetary Herbals 三果寶是一款功效強大而性質溫和的配方,旨在支持自然清體過程。Michael Tierra 在印度學習阿育吠陀醫級時了解到三果寶,隨後將其引入美國。幾千年來,三果寶一直是阿育吠陀草本植物學特重要的原料之一。作爲印度各地的傳統家庭主食,三果寶是三種印度草本水果的平衡混合物:harada、印度醋慄和 behada。這款配方的獨特之處在於,水果的獨特澀味有助於溫補結腸,從而促進內部自然清潔。


Stir 1 level teaspoon of powdered Triphala into a cup (8 ounce) of hot water. Wait until powder settles and then drink the liquid. The same powder can be used a second time. Drink two times daily, and then discard the sediment. For best results, use between meals.

網路價:250元,結帳享5%折扣後 238